
極限脱出 9時間9人9の扉のクリエーターが新しいアドベンチャーゲームを作成中

チュンソフト、極限脱出 9時間9人9の扉のクリエーターが新しいアドベンチャーゲームを作成中とのことです。極限脱出 9時間9人9の扉はDSでリリースされたミステリーゲームです。(428 ~封鎖された渋谷で~も同じクリエーターです)新しいタイトルはVitaおよび3DSでリリース予定で善人シボウデスというタイトルが告知されました。

 極限脱出 9時間9人9の扉は普通の人々が異常なシチュエーションに置かれるゲームでプレイヤーは密室に散りばめられた謎を解き、そこから脱出する方法について探っていくゲームとなっています。


Chunsoft, producers of the underground hit DS adventure 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (above), is back with another portable mystery. Zennin Shibou Desu for the PS Vita and 3DS was unveiled in this week's issue of Famitsu magazine, and so far it seems very much along the same lines as Chun's 2009 game.
Like 999, Zennin (whose title has double meaning in Japanese -- it can mean "Everyone Dies" or "[Only] The Good Die") is themed around a group of normal people in very abnormal situations. The hero awakens to find himself on an unknown elevator leading to someplace he's never been before. He has no memory of how he wound up here, but the girl he's sharing the elevator with -- who calls him "Sigma" -- seems to know a lot more, not that she's letting you in on any secrets. That's because the only way out of this place is to play something called the "Ambidex Game," something that could force the hero and the other people he runs into to betray their companions for the sake of their own survival.
Not a lot of gameplay details are known yet, but the title will be generally divided into "novel" parts (where you speak with your friends and advance the plot) and "escape" parts, where you play minigames, explore your surroundings, and perform other tasks as you attempt to figure out what's going on.
No release date was given for Zennin, which Chun told Famitsu was about half complete.


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