

 Rezとスペースチャンネル5の共通点はディレクターの水口哲也氏だけではありません。Jake Kazdalは15年以上ゲーム業界に関わり、1999年から2003年の間にSEGAで働きました。 Kazdal氏はその間にRezとスペースチャンネル5に関わりました。

 今、彼は自身が立ち上げたHaunted Temple StudiosでSkulls of the Shogunの制作を行なっているとのことです。Skulls of the Shogunのパブリッシャーはマイクロソフトに決定したそうですが、日本発売は未定です。

Artist Jake Kazdal has been working in the video game industry for around 15 years now, for companies like Electronic Arts, Zombie VR and Big Boss.
Perhaps of more interest to readers of this site, though, is that between 1999 and 2003 he worked at Sega. In Tokyo. Where he got to design stuff for two of the Dreamcast's greatest games.
Kazdal was a concept artist, modeler and animator on Space Channel 5, and performed the same duties in shooter Rez, both of which were also released on the PS2.
He's presently working on Skulls of the Shogun, and actually founded the studio developing the title, Haunted Temple Games.
You'll see art for both those games, as well as some of his other projects, in the gallery above.


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