1UP が選ぶ東京ゲームショウのベストゲーム
ベストPS Vitaゲーム
次点:Uncharted: Golden AbyssUncharted: Golden Abyss、Gravity Daze
次点: Resident Evil: Revelations(バイオハザード)、 Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance
Project Draco(仮)
次点: Final Fantasy XIII-2、Diabolical Pitch
次点: Asura's Wrath、 Battlefield 3
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
次点: 7th Dragon 2020、 Monster Hunter 3G Portablem(portableをproblemにもじってます)
次点: The Idolmaster、 Binary Domain
Saints Row: The Thirdに板垣伴信氏がキャラクターとして登場
次点: Ni No Kuni coming to the U.S.、Dead or Alive 5、 Monster Hunter 4が3DSに
ファイナルファンタジーX (Not VII)
次点: Zone of Enders Pushed Back(小島秀夫氏、曰く、あと3−5年は開発にかかる)、 Fake Resident Evil 6 Trailer
次点: Sony's Vita Tickets、RAGEYou Can Touch Frankenstick, But Not Play a Game with It(3DSの拡張スティックを見れたがプレイ出来なかったこと)
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance
次点: Monster Hunter Portable 3G、Metal Gear Solid 3D
Diabolical Pitch
次点: Steel Battalion、 Project Draco
重鉄騎 (Steel Battalion)
次点: Diabolical Pitch、 Project Draco
次点: Monster Hunter 4、 Dragon Quest X
Mommy Tummy(妊娠が疑似体験できる)
次点: Asura's Wrath、 Tokyo Jungle
Battlefield 3 のデモデビュー
次点: the Behemoth Booth、Cosplay Dude in the Blue Outfit(青い格好をしたコスプレヤロー)
PlayStation Vita(100分後に行列は締め切り)
次点: Kingdom Hearts: 3D (150 minutes)、Persona 4 The Ultimate: Mayonaka Arena
次点: Final Fantasy VI Cosplay、 Monster Hunter Cosplay
次点: Snake Eater 3DSnake Eater 3D Still Looks Janky、No Digital Controls for Project Draco、 Level 5Level-5 Joins Nintendo as MIA for TGS
次点: Xperia Play、 Idolmaster
Project Draco
次点:Diabolical Pitch、Gravity Daze
次点: Rocket Slime 3D、Final Fantasy Type-0
次点: Battlefield 3、 Ninja Gaiden 3
Every fall, 1UP sends its finest folks to Japan for one of the year's most anticipated events: The Tokyo Game Show. Find out what games were notable, which ones were forgettable, and what titles may soon be haunting our nightmares by checking out our Best of TGS awards below.
Sound Shapes
Sound Shapes
Sony had an impressively-large Vita lineup at TGS, with promising games like Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Gravity Daze, and Sumioni on hand, but we found ourselves liking the same game we gave our Best Vita Game of E3 award to: Sound Shapes. Jonathan Mak's part-musical platformer, part-music creation software is creative and easy to use, but most importantly, a lot of fun and the kind of game that is a perfect fit for Vita.
Uncharted: Golden AbyssUncharted: Golden Abyss
Gravity DazeGravity Daze
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime 3D
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime 3D
The 3DS had a decent showing on the TGS floor, although its appearance at Nintendo's pre-show press conference was far more exciting. We didn't really see anything 3DS-wise that broke the mold and instead gravitated toward polished examples of the familiar. Of the three long-running franchise updates we liked most -- Dragon Quest, Resident Evil, and Kingdom Hearts -- Dragon Quest feels the least played-out. Well, specifically, the Rocket Slime spin-off does. The 3DS sequel to 2006's Rocket Slime is very much more of the same with some superfluous 3D tacked on, but when it's "the same" as a whimsical, wonderful action RPG that appeared five years ago and left us wanting more, we'll let a little lack of imagination slide this once.
Resident Evil: RevelationsResident Evil: Revelations
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop DistanceKingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance
Project Draco
Project Draco
When Microsoft announced a Panzer Dragoon-looking Kinect game at last year's TGS, many got excited over the return of that type of game; this year we got to see it first-hand and confirm that, yep, it looks like a great evolution of what the Panzer games were. We're a little worried that it's going Kinect-only and won't support the default 360 controller, but here's hoping that makes for a game that really takes advantage of what Kinect can do rather than a game that feels like it's missing controller support.
Final Fantasy XIII-2Final Fantasy XIII-2
Diabolical PitchDiabolical Pitch
Ni No Kuni
Ni No Kuni
OK sure, structurally this looks like a typical Japanese RPG, but it's the "looks" part we're particularly into. It's a high-profile PS3 game (at least in Japan) due to the collaboration between developer Level-5 and Studio Ghibli, but more than that, it's an incredibly pretty PS3 game with some of the most colorful graphics and smoothest animation you'll find on the system. And now that it's coming to the U.S., we're finally letting ourselves get excited.
Asura's WrathAsura's Wrath
Battlefield 3Battlefield 3
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
Sometimes, games are just too damn Japanese for the American market. We saw three big, portable, high-quality RPGs on the show floor that seem doomed to languish in their native tongue, and that's a shame. 7th Dragon is a sequel to cutesy, unlocalized RPG on the dead-in-the-U.S. PSP, and Capcom appears to have given up on popularizing Monster Hunter in the west (Dragon's Dogma is basically their attempt to build a Monster Hunter for white people). However, it's Square Enix's Bravely Default that feels the most unmarketable here despite a seeming surplus of excellence. It's an absolutely gorgeous game, but between its ridiculous name and the fact that it's heir-apparent to Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light (which looks to have belly-flopped in the U.S.) we have severe doubts as to Square's interest in localizing it.
7th Dragon 20207th Dragon 2020
Monster Hunter 3G PortablemMonster Hunter 3G Portable
Love Plus
Love Plus
TGS was home to lots of game we want to play back home, but it also has a healthy share of games that we pray will never come to the U.S. Some of them were big-budget action games that feel like Japanese developers trying hard to cater to the west and forgetting their core strengths, while others are just the sort of thing that set us to imagining angry Fox news editorial screeds about moral degeneration. Konami's Love Plus is absolutely the latter; it's a game about having an imaginary girlfriend. Not that dating simulations are anything new in Japan; Love Plus is actually pretty tame among its contemporaries, though it has a reputation for inspiring an unusual degree of fanaticism among its fans. We're not even passing judgment on the game. It's just that of all the games that are massive, money-making goliaths in Japan, Love Plus is the one that's least likely to play in Peoria.
The IdolmasterThe Idolmaster
Binary DomainBinary Domain
Saints Row: The Third
Tomonobu Itagaki playable in Saints Row
There was a pretty healthy slate of news-making this week: Nintendo locked up Monster Hunter 4 for the 3DS (significant because, well, Monster Hunter is the only game where we see all sorts of people -- even four young women during lunch -- playing everywhere in Japan); Team Ninja showed that they are indeed making Dead or Alive 5; and the formerly "this is something I have to import, right?" Ni No Kuni will be coming to America after all. But nothing flat-out surprised us as much as seeing a virtual Tomonobu Itagaki (the former head of Team Ninja, now running things at Valhalla Game Studios) running around pile-driving bystanders and driving hoverbikes around in Saints Row: The Third. With Devil's Third not hitting shelves until 2013, and Itagaki being a bit quiet lately, it's amusing to know that we can have our own digital Itagaki to cause mayhem with when Saints Row: The Third ships.
Ni No Kuni coming to the U.S.Ni No Kuni coming to the U.S.
Dead or Alive 5Dead or Alive 5
Monster Hunter 4Monster Hunter 4
Square Remaking FFX
Square Remaking Final Fantasy... X (Not VII)
At Sony's press conference, a Square Enix representative took to the stage and talked about Final Fantasy's long-standing relationship with the PlayStation family. And with that in mind, he noted, he knew fans had been clamoring for years time for a certain remake. A million nerds held their breath in eager anticipation of the long-awaited news of a Final Fantasy VII remake. They leaned forward in their seats, listening, and heard the news: PlayStation Vita will be receiving a high-definition remake of Final Fantasy... X. There were riots across America, and Square's headquarters in Shinjuku is still burning. We understand why they're remaking FFX (it was almost entirely a polygon-based game and therefore is a cinch to update into HD, whereas FFVII would require an expensive comprehensive overhaul), but we still admire the audacity of it all. Well played, Square.
Zone of Enders Pushed BackKojima Says New ZOE Developments at Least 3-5 Years Away
Fake Resident Evil 6 TrailerFake Resident Evil 6 Trailer
Binary Domain
Binary Domain's Isolation Chambers
Not counting the litany of bizarre games in the student gaming area (see our Strangest Game writeup), we were bemused by Capcom's odd setup that allowed you to touch (and fiddle with) the Nintendo 3DS' Circle Pad attachment but not actually play a game with it. We were befuddled by Sony's set-up with the Vita, which included separate lines for individual games, tickets for each participant, and an orientation session in which a kind Japanese lady had you tap a bunch of numbers on-screen in case you're somehow unfamiliar with the concept of touch screens. But neither of those seemed as downright weird as the setup for Sega's Binary Domain. Sure, sitting in a theater demo looks normal, but playing the actual game had you stuck in an all-white room with a smiling assistant helping you throughout. Oh, and these isolation chambers each had a single window where everyone outside could watch you. Although being alone in a room with a booth girl is probably a life-long dream for many trade show attendees, the clinical voyeurism of it all was downright bizarre.
Sony's Vita TicketsSony's Vita Tickets
RAGEYou Can Touch Frankenstick, But Not Play a Game with It
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts has never been known for a great camera system, and when Jeremy tried Dream Drop Distance sans-Frankenstick, he wanted to punch things. Hard. Like, Asura's Wrath hard. So we're giving it this award less because the game will take advantage of the second analog pad any better than any other game that will use it -- we have no idea -- but more because the version of the game we played was so broken without it that we're hoping the pad will come along and save the day.
Monster Hunter Portable 3GMonster Hunter Portable 3G
Metal Gear Solid 3DMetal Gear Solid 3D
Diabolical Pitch
Diabolical Pitch
Let's be honest -- this is kind of a trolling category. If Kinect games were designed to make you look cool, they'd be designed a lot differently than they typically are. But in Diabolical Pitch's case, looking ridiculous is part of the fantasy rather than an unfortunate side effect. And for that, it deserves an award, even if that award is akin to being called the tallest baby or the most normal Goichi Suda game.
Steel BattalionSteel Battalion
Project DracoProject Draco
Steel Battalion
Steel Battalion
The "fun" of Kinect games is for passers-by to mock the player for how goofy they look out of context (see: Dance Central). Project Draco's suite of motion controls is a bit too straightforward to really have much impact, since the game mostly consists of leaning and firing. Grasshopper's Diabolical Pitch is somewhat more involved, but since it all depends on baseball-centric motions, you merely look like you're playing a virtual reality sports game. Steel Battalion, however, makes you look downright crazy. Imagine the snarky derision you might have towards someone with a crazy driving or flight sim setup. Now take that, but subtract all the hardware while keeping the motions. Steel Battalion has you pulling levers, pushing buttons, and adjusting periscopes without physical objects. And when you have to pull an escaping crew member back into the vehicle and engage into a slapfight with him, well, that looks even weirder since there's no one actually there.
Diabolical PitchDiabolical Pitch
Project DracoProject Draco
Ni No Kuni
Ni No Kuni
Tokyo Game Show hosted quite a few cool trailers; we even collected some of them into an article. These three happened to catch the eyes of our on-site attendees (Jeremy Parish, Matt Lone, and Thierry Nguyen) the most. Dragon Quest X's trailer featured a combination of old-fashion DQ action plus the dawning implication of being an MMO. Monster Hunter 4's trailer played out like an insane version of the T-rex chase from Jurassic Park. Ni No Kuni looked like a Studio Ghibli film with menus. Ultimately, we decided that trailers are designed to look snazzy and entice us into playing their game. And as cool as the other two trailers looked, nothing excited us as much as seeing just how gorgeous Ni No Kuni's trailer was, and that fact that this is what the game actually looks like.
Monster Hunter 4Monster Hunter 4
Dragon Quest XDragon Quest X
Mommy Tummy
Mommy Tummy
You'll probably never play it nor even see it again in the future, but this experiment proved to be one of the most entertaining games at TGS. And that's in large part because of the giant baby vest players wear. The idea here is the game lets men experience what it's like for women to have babies in a five-minute simulator where they feel their body changing, watch their baby grow on screen, etc. Of course it's weird -- that's the point -- but it's pretty fun and doesn't really overstay its welcome, so we'd love to see more crazy contraptions along these lines.
Asura's WrathAsura's Wrath
Tokyo JungleTokyo Jungle
Battlefield 3
Battlefield 3 Campaign Demo Debut
As much weird Japanese stuff as we see at TGS, it's only normal -- we are in Japan, after all. It's when cultures collide (such as KFC's Japan-only "Krusher" dessert) here in the land of otaku and honey that things begin to look funny to us. So as much as we think this random cosplayer looked kinda funny, he was nowhere near as weird a sight as Behemoth's booth standing proud with Battle Block Theatre in a show full of Monster Hunter knock-offs and multiple Yakuza titles. But even that wasn't as unexpected as the opportunity to play the single-player campaign of quintessential white-man game Battlefield 3 for the first time. It's not entirely unusual to see Western games at TGS, but because of strange timing with the game's release, we had the unusual opportunity to go fully in-depth quintessential Western shooter Battlefield 3's campaign at TGS rather than last month's GamesCom or some sort of separate EA Showcase event. Next thing we know, TGS 2012 will be the only place to play Black Ops 2's multiplayer before its launch.
Battle Block Theatre and the Behemoth BoothThe Behemoth Booth
Blue Cosplay DudeCosplay Dude in the Blue Outfit
PlayStation Vita
PlayStation Vita (lines closed after 100 minutes)
One thing we media goons have to get used to about Tokyo Game Show: It's open to the public, and means that practically every demo station looks less like a place to check out an unreleased game and more like an entrance of a hot new nightclub. The throng of users in front of Persona 4 The Ultimate: Mayonaka Arena surprised us with its immensity, spilling out of Arc System Works' booth and turning a wide passage into a narrow corridor. As expected, huge franchises like Kingdom Hearts and Monster Hunter had huge lines in front of them as well (the former "won" by virtue of a freaking 150-minute wait). Nevertheless, we were hardly surprised by how crowded the PlayStation Vita lines became; the lines for every game were actually closed down for the day... five minutes before the show even started due to eager media and business attendees who managed to get into the show shortly before the general public. That's right: The only way to see Vita was to get there before the show started.
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop DistanceKingdom Hearts: 3D (150 minutes)
Persona 4 The Ultimate: Mayonaka ArenaPersona 4 Mayonaka Arena
Persona 3 group
Persona 3 group
The public days of TGS are jam-packed with writhing human bodies across three convention halls. And chances are you can't move from one booth to another without a pointy part of someone's video game-inspired costume poking you in a tender place (this year, Jeremy was jabbed up the nose with some robot girl's ornate headpiece). Cosplay is huge here, and it's also almost universally amazing to behold. Japanese fans put amazing craftsmanship into their tribute outfits, and -- to put it delicately -- tend to have body morphology that's more appropriate to the task than their Western counterparts. We saw some stunning costumes this year, from Metal Gear Solid PMCs to the entire playable cast of Star Ocean: The Last Hope, but none impressed us quite as much as this trio of heroes from Persona 3... though the party of Final Fantasy VI characters and trio of slightly underdressed Monster Hunter girls were no slouches, either.
Final Fantasy VI CosplayFinal Fantasy VI group
Monster Hunter CosplayMonster Hunter group
The Last Guardian
(Lack of) The Last Guardian
To Sony's credit, they announced before TGS that The Last Guardian -- the third game from Fumito Ueda and Team Ico -- wouldn't be at the show, and that fans would get to check out new footage from the game in the bonus features on the Ico/Shadow Collection instead. But there's still a bit of a sting knowing that this is one of the most ambitious games coming out of Japan, yet not seeing it at Japan's big annual game convention. Here's hoping the bonus features footage makes up for it.
Snake Eater 3DSnake Eater 3D Still Looks Janky
Project DracoNo Digital Controls for Project Draco
Level 5Level-5 Joins Nintendo as MIA for TGS
A company called GREE had one of the biggest booths at this year's TGS. Never heard of it? GREE is one of the reasons Facebook is still a minor player in Japan, a hugely popular social network that has overtaken the long-running Mixi service to become Japanese most prevalent social platform. And, also, it's huge for games. Not just Farmville-type time-wasters, but actual honest-to-god video games. The GREE booth was packed with both unfamiliar titles as well as legacy brands like Resident Evil, Puzzle Bobble, and even a card-based Final Fantasy spin-off. GREE is a big deal over here, and it's one that you should be aware of: The company recently acquired OpenFeint, presumably to get its foot in the door for an incursion into the U.S. market.
Xperia PlayXperia Play
Project Draco
Project Draco
Like many, I was disappointed when I heard I wouldn't be able to play this XBLA Panzer Dragoon spiritual successor with a controller. But that's not enough to sour me on the game overall -- this is still a Panzer Dragoon spiritual successor, and that's huge. Draco looks gorgeous, it has features like three-player co-op and dragon-breeding that sound promising, and it has a team behind it that's proven they know how to make great shooters. And the more I think about it, the more I'm curious to see what not including controller support does to make this a better Kinect game, since the developers are freed up to be more experimental. However it ends up working, I can't wait to see more.
I don't understand the plot of Gravity Daze -- it has something to do with mystical cats in a fantasy world -- but as a stylish 3D Vita action game where you can float around in mid-air by altering gravity (which kind of reminds me of an artsy Spider-Man), I'm all over it. As for Diabolical Pitch, Grasshopper's debut XBLA Kinect game is as weird as you'd expect, with minigames where you have to throw baseballs at zombies. But it's great to see a fusion of causal-friendly minigame concepts with the weird worlds Grasshopper tends to make.
Uncharted 3Diabolical Pitch
Gravity DazeGravity Daze
Sound Shapes
Sound Shapes
I've been hearing Matt rave about Sound Shapes ever since E3, but I never gave the game too much thought. It looked like just another indie title with slick and simple graphics: Cool, but hardly noteworthy. It wasn't until I got my hands on the game that I realized just how inventive it is. The core game is nothing particularly remarkable, a solid action title in which player performance generates sound; a game in the tradition of Otocky, Child of Eden, and Rez. It's the editor mode --which uses the Vita's touch and social elements to allow players to simultaneously become level designers, composers, and DJs -- that really impressed me. I said in my preview of the game that Sound Shapes could be the game that embodies the essence of PS Vita in the same way that Lumines epitomized the PSP's ethos nearly seven years ago, and the more I think about it the more confident I am in that assessment. If I had any doubts about picking up a Vita at launch, Sound Shapes totally dispelled them. (Well, Sound Shapes and the Ys IV remake.)
Rocket Slime for DS was the game that got me hooked on Dragon Quest in the first place, and I'm excited at the prospect of revisiting that series. As for Final Fantasy Type-0, it looks like the PSP masterpiece Square was trying to make with Crisis Core and The Third Birthday -- huge, somber, gorgeous, but no slouch in terms of play mechanics or variety.
Rocket Slime 3DRocket Slime 3D
PixelJunk lifelikeFinal Fantasy Type-0
Asura's Wrath
Asura's Wrath
You know, Japan is supposed to be the place full of weird and wacky video games. Ones where polar bears serve as lounge singers, or where friendship compatibility tests are wrapped within arcade games about exploring the jungle. So my pick of TGS is Asura's Wrath, a game where you're a pissed-off demigod who finds himself in situations where he has to use all six of his arms to fight a boss who attempts to smash the Earth with a giant finger; later, you fight another boss fight in an encounter that begins on the moon, only to have the boss stab you with a sword that's so long that it pushes you through the center of the Earth and out the other side. But beneath the sheer craziness and over-the-top insanity of Asura's Wrath lies a very solid and completely playable action game packed with the most over-the-top boss fights I've seen in years.
Battlefield 3 still looks and plays like a great shooter, even though it was shown on a console and not on its native PC platform. Really, though, it would feel just plain weird to say that a Western-centric FPS from Sweden was the best thing I saw in Japan. And while Ninja Gaiden 3 doesn't look quite as good as when Itagaki was still at the helm of the franchise, it still scratches my "badass ninja flipping around doing Flying Swallows and Izuna Drops while cutting fools" itch.
Battlefield 3Battlefield 3
Ninja Gaiden 3Ninja Gaiden 3
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