
ミニマルな有料iOSゲーム Hundredsが10万ダウンロード達成

HundredsはCanabaltのAdam SaltsmanとGasketballのGreg WohlwendのiOSゲームで、この土曜日に10万ダウンロードを達成したことを報告しました。








Hundreds, the minimalist mobile game from Canabalt's Adam Saltsman and Gasketball's Greg Wohlwend, sold its 100,000th copy on Sunday, sending Saltsman into fits ofsentimental, blog-based joy.

"I don't want to downplay, for us, the financial importance of this success; we basically went broke making Hundreds so it's a pretty big deal that it didn't flop," Saltsman writes. "That said, even if it was the kind of money where we could go buy sports cars or whatever (and it's not!), there is this other, at least for me, way more important thing going on, which is less about finances and more about, 'Holy crap, 100,000 people have played Hundreds.'"

Hundreds has a simple premise and interface: Players tap various circles, turning them red and increasing their size and numerical value, in an attempt to accrue 100 points on-screen. If a red circle hits another object, it's game over. Hundreds is $5 on the iTunes App Store, optimized for iPhone 5, and for iPad and iPod Touch in iOS 5.0 or later.

"Folks who haven't played a game since Tetris are trying out Hundreds and liking it," Saltsman writes. "And we're getting this response for a minimalist game that we made utterly without compromise. Every value we had going into this project we carried all the way through to the end, and in spite of that, or, I am tempted to think, because of that,Hundreds is resonating with more people than we ever allowed ourselves to imagine.

"So that feels really good. Thank you, everybody, for trying out our game and diving into our puzzles and giving us your time. Thank you so much!"






  Enter the GCW-Zero, just in case you weren't already having enough trouble keeping trackof startup consoles. The little handheld is a Linux-based, open-source device offering the capability to run classic PC games, emulated consoles and homebrew games. Specifically, the developer promises enough horsepower to emulate older consoles like the NES, all the way to the original PlayStation, with the video above showing off PC games like Quake andDescent running very well.

Of course, it wouldn't be an upstart console without the accompanying Kickstarter campaign. The developer is seeking $130,000 to fund the manufacture of the GCW-Zero, with a pledge of $135 or more guaranteeing backers one of the first units produced. As of this writing, the project has just under $17,000 to go with 7 days left.



Street Fighter x Mega Manのパッチは金曜に登場

Street Fighter x Mega Manはカプコンが25周年記念に発表したフリーのPCゲームソフトです。下記のサイトからダウンロードすることができます。このゲームはカプコン監修のもと、ゲームファンによって製作されたそうです。


さてこのStreet Fighter x Mega Manのアップデートが金曜に配布されるそうですがないようとしては下記のものとなっています。

  • 終了前に確認が表示される
  • E缶に関するバグ修正
  • コントローラーに関する改善
  • F9によるスクリーンショット
  • M Bisonに関する修正

Street Fighter x Mega Man’s “Version 2.0″ patch is due before the end of the week, and includes a number of much-requested fixes.

As detailed on Capcom Unity, the patch will be available directly from the publisher’s Mega Man hub from about 5:00PM PT on Friday.
The patch only adds one significant new feature, which is passwords in the style of Mega Man 2. Otherwise, it’s all business:
  • Confirmation prompt before exiting (ESC) or resetting (F12) the game
  • E Tank glitch and various other bugs fixed
  • Improved controller support (Game defaults to keyboard on launch; make sure controller is plugged in prior to opening the file, then go into Options menu and set keys)
  • Take screenshots using F9
  • M Bison buffed a bit
Capcom also noted that the fan-made fighter suffers performance issues on Intel Integrated GPUs, but has not announced a fix of any kind.
Street Fighter x Mega Man is a free download released to mark the blue hero’s 25th anniversary.

カナダ限定発売のWii miniモデルが登場

Wii miniはカナダ限定で発売された廉価版のWiiです。その中身について紹介されています。

Wii miniの最も印象的な点はそのサイズです。8×5インチくらいで、センチ換算すると20×12センチくらいです。

まさにこの小ささがWii miniの良いところでしょう。逆に言えば小ささ以外にはあまりいい所がありません。



ただメッセージの心配は必要ありません。なぜならこのWii miniにはインターネット接続の機能もないからです。インターネット接続の機能のないメニュー画面はとても寂しい感じになってしまっています。空のボックスが並んでおり、99ドルのWiiのために、このボックスは埋まることはありません。

さらにはゲームキューブのソフトを入れてみたところ、こちらは動かないようでした。また他社のコンポーネントケーブルもこのWii miniには対応していません。


任天堂 Wii mini 正式発表、ネット接続なしで100ドルの廉価版。カナダで12月7日発売 
フライング掲載からあっという間に公式になりました。任天堂がカナダ向けに発表した Wii mini は、一部の機能を省いて100ドルにした廉価版の Wii。 最近の新型Wii では省かれていたゲームキューブ互換のほか、インターネット接続を備えない点、赤い独自筐体が特徴です。100カナダドルは日本円にして約8000円。 
付属品はWii リモコンプラスとヌンチャク各x1、ケーブル類など。今のところカナダ国内のみ、ホリデーシーズンのみの限定品とされており、 発表文には「今後ほかの市場で販売する可能性についての情報はありません」とわざわざ断っています。

The Wii Mini, the Canada-exclusive redesign of the original Wii, is very small. That's its best attribute, and the one you notice immediately. Even the box it comes in is tiny, roughly 10" by 8" by 5". Anyone with even the most basic understanding of physics would see that box and get the message that something pretty small is inside.

And indeed, the system itself proves very small. You can get an idea of its tininess in our gallery, in which it's placed next to other consoles for reference. If I'm dwelling on the impressively diminutive size of the Wii Mini, it's because I don't have anything else good to say about the console.

The Wii Mini, as we've established, is small. Beyond that, the hardware design is not that impressive to my eyes. The plastic is textured instead of smooth and shiny. Combined with the big red bumper around the device, it looks like it's designed to be "rugged" compared to the original Wii. I'm not going to drop it or hit it with a hammer to test.

In a common price-reducing measure dating back to Sega CD, the slot-loading disc drive has been replaced by a top-loading drive with a mechanical eject button to pop the door open. That means the disc drive no longer lights up and blinks when you get a message.

No message will ever come in to a Wii Mini anyway, because the Wii Mini lacks Internet connectivity. And without Internet, the Wii Menu is strangely empty: no Weather Channel, no Everybody Votes Channel, no Wii Shop Channel, and, in fact, no way to add any more channels for the life of the system. You get the Disc Channel, Mii Maker, and Wii Manual, and a screen full of empty boxes, forever. The menu can never fulfill its purpose. For just $99, a lifetime of existential despair.

Speaking of despair, here's what happens when you try to load up a GameCube disc:

I'd share a screenshot of what happens when you try to connect the Wii Mini to your TV with component cables, but you've all seen empty black rectangles before. The console failed to output any audio or video through the same component cables I've used with the Wii for years. Looking around the internet shows that others have run into the same issue. The manual says "IMPORTANT: The Wii Mini console will not work with any AV cable other than the model supplied." So it's unlikely to be a problem specific to my third-party cables, and more likely to be that the Wii Mini just does not support component output.

Other than that, it's a Wii. It plays Wii disc games just like a Wii does, and has the exact same interface. The ports on the back – AV multi out, AC adapter, sensor bar, are identical to the original Wii. A single USB port is also in the back. It differs only from the original hardware in that it's cheaper-looking and does less. That's not really worth the savings or the zany Canada road trip.

Counterpoint: it just barely stands up in a Slime Speaker Stand. So, in conclusion, ignore everything else I said and buy a dozen Wii Minis.
