スクエニは戦国IXAに引き続いて、Yahoo!Japanと共同でリアルタイム戦略ブラウザーゲームのβテスターを募集しています。そのMonster x Dragonは戦国IXAとは異なり、ファンタジー色の強いものになっています。
Square Enix and online portal Yahoo are working together on another game. Their first collaboration was Sengoku Ixa. Monster x Dragon is also a browser based game supported by microtransactions.
Monster x Dragon is quite different though and that’ not just because it has a fantasy setting. This title is a real time strategy game blended with trading card game elements. You control a lone warrior, but will join up to 100 players in large skirmishes.
Want to be one of the first people to play it? Get a Yahoo Japan account and register here for the closed beta test which is scheduled to start on October 13.
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