Sega's Halloween sale might be the scariest yet. Starting tomorrow, the publisher is discounting some of its iOS games, including a couple that we'd literally be afraid to try on a touchscreen interface -- like Gunstar Heroes.
You'll also be able to get a game for 99 cents that is abstracted enough from its source to be comparable to a ghost story or urban legend. Have you heard of the iPhone version of the Genesis version of Virtua Fighter 2? Legend has it you can see it if you search the App Store at the stroke of midnight, or any other time. It was once an arcade game, but then a mad scientist made a 2D Genesis game out of it. And then, years later, an even madder scientist ported it to iOS.
Other listed deals include Brick People and Chu Chu Rocket! for iPad, for $1 each. Those aren't really that scary.
インドネシアのJB2 DONGLEと呼ばれるものを使ってPS3のJailbreakに成功したそうです。初代のGeoHotではファームウェア3.55で動いていましたが、現在の3.73では動作しなくなっていたそうです。
このJB2 DONGLEではブルーレイに焼かれたFIFA12をプレイしている動画が公開されています。またこのJB2 DONGLEは45ドルで販売されているそうです。
A team from Indonesia claims it has successfully jailbroken the PS3 with a new dongle it's calling "JB2." JB2 is supposedly based on the original jailbreak key produced by GeoHot and works on firmware version 3.55 consoles, but plays games up to the current version, 3.73, PS3Crunch reports (as of writing, the PS3Crunch website is down, whether from server overload or more purposeful action is unclear).
The dongle will play titles burned onto Blu-ray discs via HDD, including FIFA 12, Driver: San Francisco, God of War: Origins Collection, Pro Evolution Soccer 2012, X-Men Destiny andSniper Ghost Warrior, PS3Crunch says. The dongle is now circulating in Indonesia and will be sold globally for roughly $45, reports say.
The above video supposedly shows the JB2 in action, booting up to a developer-build screen and expanded option set. Personally, finding and buying the JB2, getting BD-Rs and burning copies of new games seems like more work than we'd ever invest in an illegal, temporary piece of hardware. Maybe that's just us -- given, we're extremely smart, well-informed, good-looking and all-around cool people -- but again, that's just us.
Microsoft Researchが提供する新しいKinect技術Holodesk
There are a lot of conspiracy theorists at Joystiq that attribute the human race's breathtakingly rapid technological advancement to ancient aliens, claiming that world-changing inventions like polymers, optical media and the Internet have all been reverse engineered from downed extraterrestrial spacecraft.
In actuality, very few modern conveniences can trace their roots back to ancient aliens; most mind-bending breakthroughs come from abstract corporate think-tanks like Microsoft Research. The lab that previously utilized a Kinect to create real-time 3D models has now developed an interactive, holographic 3D environment called Holodesk.
As is demonstrated in the (strangely silent) proof of concept video above, Holodesk uses a Kinect, projector and beam splitter to create interactive holograms. In a nutshell, the Kinect watches your hands and face, tracking their movements and projecting 3D shapes onto a semi-transparent surface above your hands, tricking the eye into thinking the shapes and your hand exist on the same plane. The interface is still fairly rough, graphically speaking, but the technology itself is so solid, we're hoping it'll eventually lead to a Kinect sequel toTime Traveler.
National treasure Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones, Star Wars, your childhood) has popped up in an unlikely place: A Japanese television commercial for Uncharted 3.
Since nobody wants to play Sega with Harrison Ford, it's about time he had a go at something others do want to play. Since the 69-year-old is famous for playing Indiana Jones and since films are a source of inspiration for the treasure-huntingUncharted games, Ford is an obvious, though somewhat surprising choice. Surprising, because he actually agreed to appear in the campaign.
In the commercial, the camera focuses on Ford as he grimaces and plays. It looks like he's acting how he'd think someone games.
In the behind-the-scenes clips, Ford played through the game in an extended clip and said he was impressed how realistic the graphics were. In another clip, Ford appeared far more relaxed and natural—probably because he wasn't acting.
"I think it is very exciting," Ford said while making the commercial. "I have not seen a game anything like this."
The actor was dazzled by the game, noting how exciting it was. "There's so much more action in here than there is normally in a movie," Ford said. "It's so much more concentrated here."
The making-of footage, viewable only in Japan on the game's official site, is far more natural that what ended up in the commercial. Ford actually looked like he was getting into the game—once he finished gushing about how realistic it was.
"It's very much like being in the movie for me," said Ford. "Except in the movie, I always win. In the game, sometimes, I don't win."
This ad doesn't appear to be a one off thing. In the making-of clip, Ford is shown being filmed as he plays the PS Vita. No doubt, he will appear in the commercial for the upcoming VitaUncharted title.
A Japanese morning show, Mezamashi TV, did a feature on Ford's appearance this morning. Click through the gallery to see stills, as well as Ford writing "Great" or "Fantastic" in Japanese calligraphy.
Update: The commercial and making-of footage are now online. View them here.
It only makes sense there'd be another EVO, right? Last year's tournament was watched byover two million people online, and 2012's main event tournament is looking to blow it up even bigger. EVO 2012 has been scheduled for July 6 through 8, and will once again take place at Caesar's Palace Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.
No participating games have been revealed, though Street Fighter X Tekken and Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Ver. 2012 are likely candidates.
ギャラクタス、Marvel vs Capcom 3でプレーヤーキャラクターとして登場
長い間カプコンのボスキャラは倒すべき相手として存在しました。しかしながらUltimate Marvel vs Capcom 3では異なるようです。カプコンの戦略マネージャであるSeth Killian氏はニューヨークのコミコンでギャラクタスが操作可能であることを発表しました。
Our long-time hate for Capcom's fighting game bosses knows no bounds, but we're not above playing as one of the overpowered baddies ourselves to destroy friends. It looks likeUltimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 will allow us to do just that, with Capcom strategy manager Seth Killian today revealing during New York Comic Con that Galactus will become playable in the upcoming Ultimate version of MvC3.
Rather than becoming a player in the main roster, Galactus will apparently be getting "his own little mode" in UMvC3. We'll be sure to track down Killian for more details as soon as we can, but take that for what it's worth for now.
ニューヨークのコミコンでFinal Fantasy XIII 2 のトレーラー発表
Final Fantasy XIII 2 may not arrive in the US until early next year, but that doesn't mean you can't immerse yourself in its timey-wimey mythos ahead of time. Debuted at the ongoingNew York Comic Con, the above trailer and below screenshots offer a fairly in-depth, potentially spoilersy look at Square Enix's latest romp through Cocoon.
We're not sure if something can still be considered a "trailer" when it lasts longer than most Adult Swim cartoons, but an extraordinarily long cinematic experience should feel like a warm, tender hug to anyone interested in a Final Fantasy sequel-sequel.
Luminous Revolution スクエニの新しいゲームエンジン
Deus ExやFFなどのパブリッシャーで知られるスクエニがあたらいいゲームエンジンの実験を公開しました。この新しゲームエンジンはLuminousと呼ばれるそうです。このゲームエンジンの発想は写真のような背景ということで、まるで実写のような映像を見ることができます。
Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Hitman and (spit) Final Fantasy publisher Square Enix has been experimenting with a brand new, proprietary graphics engine, which it calls Luminous. Given Develop notes this is DirectX 11 tech, it seems more than likely it’s coming to future PC games – so let’s take a look at the thing below. The idea is it’s that much closer to photo-realism, at least in terms of environments – while I’d rather spend my games in a crazy, impossible, fantastical environment than a faithfully-recreated multistorey carpark, there’s no denying that this tech looks mighty impressive.
So, they reckon the following reality/vidyagame comparison shot shows what Luminous is capable of:
And here it is in compressed online video-based action:
Not the most thrilling footage in and of itself, but cor blimey that’s some fancy, realistic lighting there. I wouldn’t grumble about playing a Deus Ex game that looked like that. But is it really possible? I’m not a believer until I’ve seen it running on a real, contemporay PC in real time.
Grand Theft Auto3がiOSとAndroidに登場!10周年記念の$150のアクションフィギュアも
RockStarのBig BossであるSam Houser氏は下記の通りのコメントをしています。「これらリリースはゲームの可能性を広げていくという会社のビジョンを明確にしました。タッチスクリーンでのプレイに疑問をもつかも知れませんが、これらについてはNewYorkでのコミコンで披露します」
Apple iOS Devices: iPad 2, iPhone 4S
Android Phones: Droid X2, HTC Evo 2, LG Optimus 2X, Motorola Atrix, Samsung Galaxy S2
Android Tablets: Acer Iconia, Asus Eee Pad, Motorola Xoom, Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1
With this October marking the 10-year anniversary of Rockstar's groundbreaking Grand Theft Auto III, the developer is celebrating by releasing the open-world classic on iOS and Android "later this fall," though no price was given. "Grand Theft Auto III showed us the potential of open world games," Rockstar big boss Sam Houser said in a press release. "It helped set the vision for the company, and we have been expanding on those possibilities with every game ever since." You're probably as curious as we are as to how an open-world title like GTA3 controls on a touchscreen, but luckily the game will be playable at this weekend's New York Comic Con.
If playing with bits and bytes isn't your thing, then ... well, why are you reading this website? Regardless, you'll probably be interested in the above 1:6 scale action figure of GTA3 antihero Claude, replete with various outfits, guns, and severed hands. At just $150, we clearly don't understand the economics of action figures anymore.
For a full list of supported devices, along with a photo gallery of the action figure, head on past the break.
Apple iOS Devices: iPad 2, iPhone 4S
Android Phones: Droid X2, HTC Evo 2, LG Optimus 2X, Motorola Atrix, Samsung Galaxy S2
Android Tablets: Acer Iconia, Asus Eee Pad, Motorola Xoom, Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1
両者の関係に拠り、FalloutのクリエータであるTim CainはObisidanのシニアプログラマーとして新しく籍を移したそうです。
Rock Paper ShotgunによればCainは1997年に発売されたFalloutで重要なポジションを担っていたそうです。 ObisidanのTroika Gamesに移籍後も活躍することでしょう。TroikaGamesはArcanum: Of Steamworksや Magick Obscura や Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlinesなどを手がけています。
Cainは2005年からCarbineのWildstarチームに所属していましたが、新しいポジションでは彼のソーシャネットワークが活躍するだろうとしています。彼のかつてのポジションはFalloutのオリジナルメンバーでもあるChris Jonesに引き継がれます。
Obisidanは現在 The Wheel of TimeやDungeons Siege IIIなどを手がけています。
Interplay, Troika and Carbine veteran Tim Cain has a new home as Obsidian’s senior programmer.
Rock Paper Shotgun reports Cain was a key creative behind 1997′s highly influential RPG, Fallout, before jumping ship with key team members to form Troika Games, which produced Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura and Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines.
Cain was part of Carbine’s Wildstar team since 2005, but eagle-eyed Obsidian fans noted his social networks had been updated to reflect the new position. His new role reunites Cain with fellow original Fallout team member Chris Jones.
Obsidian is currently developing an adaptation of The Wheel of Time, Robert Jordan’s fantasy epic. Its most recent title was Dungeons Siege III, having completed Fallout: New Vegas.
ミラーズ・エッジのファンがやけっぱちの続編を期待しているのかどうかは開発会社DICEは知っています。Battlefield3のローンチだけを見れば、曖昧な情報以上は期待できませんが続編は難しそうです。(注:曖昧な情報とはbattlefield3とmirror's edgeの制作にはBattlefield 3's Frostbite 2 engineという共通のゲームエンジンを使うというものです。)またbattlefild3のリリースはもう間もなくですが、mirror's edgeの続編についてはDICEは曖昧な回答をしています。
プロデューサーの Patrick Liu 氏のコメントは下記の通りです。 「それに取り掛かろうとしている状況なんだろうと思います。私たちはカルトと言ってもいいほどの大きなファンがいることを知っています。我々がこのゲームを開発するにあたり、得意な点や不得意な点も知っています。また我々が新しいゲームをリリースしなければならないのだとしたら、我々は何かを改善し、幅広いユーザーに届けなくてはなりません。それゆえ、私はそこにマーケットがあるのか考えなくてはならないのです。」
ただしPatrick Liu 氏は言及しませんでしたーミラーズ・エッジの続編についてDICEは開発を諦めたとは言及しいませんでした。まだ確定するには早いかも知れません。
Dice knows its Mirror's Edge fans want a sequel with a desperate, craven passion, but with thefocus on launching Battlefield 3, we haven't gotten more than vague hints that a second isn'timpossible. With Battlefield 3's release around the corner, now DICE is offering slightly lessvague comments about continuing the Mirror's Edge story.
"I think it's something that people are ready to get into again," producer Patrick Liu said. "We see that there's a huge fan following -- it's almost like a cult. And we know what strengths we had,and what weaknesses we had in that game. If we were to release a new game, we'd know whatto improve and how to reach a broader audience. So I definitely think there's a market there."
The story here is what Liu isn't saying -- he isn't saying that DICE has given up on Mirror's Edge;he isn't saying a sequel will never happen; he isn't saying Faith will return as a 7-foot malecyborg with tribal tattoos and a pot belly. Not that that's something he would say, but still, hedidn't say it.
God of War Origins Collection日本でも発売開始
God of War Origin Collectionが本日発売開始となりました。本作はPS3のタイトルになりHD版ということで映像が向上しています。モンスターハンターのHD版と比較されて、モンハン版は失敗でしたが、ゴッド・オブ・ウォーのHD版は間違いなく成功だとの声もあります。
Sony will release God of War: Origins, the PS3 HD collection of the series’ PSP titles, on October 6, according to this week’s Famisu. The collection is the second title to release as part of the PSP Remaster series, the first become Monster Hunter Portable 3rd later this month in Japan. Origins, which contains Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta, will release here in the west in September.
本日、サンフランシスコとニューヨークで1UP gamesと任天堂共同でのMeet-upが行われます。概要は下記の通り。
時間:9月6日 6時〜9時
時間:9月6日 6時〜9時
- What: 1UP's Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2/Dragon Quest 25th Anniversary Meet-Up
- Where: Pete's Tavern (San Francisco) and Nintendo World store (New York City)
- When: Thursday, Oct. 6, 6-9 p.m.
- Why: Because you love Dragon Quest, getting Dragon Quest swag, and downloading exclusive Dragon Quest game content.
Are you in the San Francisco or New York City areas? Do you like Dragon Quest? Are you a fan of getting exclusive game content that won't be available anywhere else? Well then, you have no choice but to join 1UP and Nintendo for a Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 meet-up tomorrow (Thursday) night.
From 6-9 p.m. (local time), the 1UP crew will be at Pete's Tavern in San Francisco (128 King Street, across from the ball park), and Nintendo will be opening up the Nintendo World store in New York (10 Rockefeller Plaza, close to... well, everything). You can mix, mingle, battle, trade maps, and hang out with other Dragon Quest fans. And, perhaps most importantly, you can acquire an exclusive monster for Joker 2: DQIX's super-dragon Barbarus, who will only be available for the U.S. version of the game through this event. The crowd demanded, "Give us Barbarus!" and we answered your cries.
We'll see you there! Bring your DS and a copy of Joker 2... and DQIX... and even DQVI. Nintendo's handing out content for all of them, apparently.
(And, yeah, sorry to folks who live elsewhere. We still love you, but logistics are a reality of life.)
スクエニは戦国IXAに引き続いて、Yahoo!Japanと共同でリアルタイム戦略ブラウザーゲームのβテスターを募集しています。そのMonster x Dragonは戦国IXAとは異なり、ファンタジー色の強いものになっています。
Square Enix and online portal Yahoo are working together on another game. Their first collaboration was Sengoku Ixa. Monster x Dragon is also a browser based game supported by microtransactions.
Monster x Dragon is quite different though and that’ not just because it has a fantasy setting. This title is a real time strategy game blended with trading card game elements. You control a lone warrior, but will join up to 100 players in large skirmishes.
Want to be one of the first people to play it? Get a Yahoo Japan account and register here for the closed beta test which is scheduled to start on October 13.
カプコンの携帯開発事業部はモンスターハンターからスピンオフしたミニゲームを製作しました。この「モンハン うちあげ! 虫とりハンマー」は恐竜の代わりに虫を狩ります。
「モンハン うちあげ! 虫とりハンマー」は日本限定で月額315円になります。
Capcom’s mobile division in Japan made a Monster Hunter mini-game for mobile phones where you "hunt" insects instead of Lagiacrus. Here’s how MonHun Launch! Insect Hunter works.
Step 1: Hit a seesaw with a giant hammer to launch felynes into the air.
Step 2: Airborne felynes open bug catching nets and collect insects (presumably the green dots).
Step 3: Felynes return with bugs, which you can exchange to get different kinds of hammers so you can catch more insects.
MonHun Launch! Insect Hunter like many mobile phone games in Japan has a monthly fee, which is 315 yen ($4) per month.
任天堂 知られざる10の秘密
Despite a few flops along the way, Nintendo has been one of the most successful players in the video game industry since the early 1980s.
But how much do you know about Nintendo? Did you know it’s over 100 years old? Do you know which American sports team it owns? Did you know LEGO once took legal action against it?
Take a look through the gallery for some fun facts you might not know about the Japanese gaming giant. Let us know in the comments which factoids scored a 1-Up with you.
Image courtesy of Olly Moss
Image courtesy of Dave Walker
The N&B Blocks were eventually nixed, but back in the 1990s a GameBoy game made reference to them. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins boasted an entire stage made out of N&B Blocks.
Image courtesy of BeforeMario
Because Nintendo's first bit had just hit in the States, it was a crucial legal battle to win. Nintendo pulled out the big guns with attorney John Kirby, who successfully argued that the King Kong plot and characters were in the public domain.
To thank Kirby, Nintendo bought him a sailboat and granted him "exclusive worldwide rights to use the name for sailboats."
Image courtesy of Wikipedia
With the profits from Donkey Kong Nintendo bought land in Redmond in 1982. Microsoft didn't relocate from Bellevue, Washington until 1986.
Image courtesy of Benjamin Benschneider
Image courtesy of TenThirtyNine
In the '80s and through to the early Nineties, Nintendo of America had some seriously strict game guidelines laid out in an official policy. While much of the policy worked to block truly offensive content, the level of censorship was taken to the extreme.
Examples of over-zealous changes made to games include a classic nude statue being clothed, a red cross being removed from a hospital frontage, bars being changed to cafes and, in one bizarre example, a criminal gang smuggling a shipment of bananas, rather than drugs.
Image courtesy of jjmccullough
Back in 1992 Nintendo became the majority owner of major league baseball team the Seattle Mariners. After the purchase, the team's mascot remained the Mariner Moose,, although a Mario mascot did make an appearance when the company was promoting Mario Super Sluggers.
As well as patenting an "electronic apparatus having game and telephone functions," Nintendo actively developed a mobile phone. Last year PocketGamer revealed the surprising news.
"A development source, who preferred to remain anonymous, has revealed that there was a skunkworks R&D project run by Nokia and Nintendo in the early 2000s - about the same time Nokia was working on its original N-Gage phone."
"The R&D efforts, which were located at Nintendo's Japanese HQ, were successful enough that the concept of a Nintendo phone was taken to the company's board of directors for approval. It was rejected."
Nintendogs could have just as easily been Nintencats were it not for a Shetland sheepdog called Pikku. This is because Pikku belonged to Shigeru Miyamoto, Nintendo's famous game designer.
As well as the dog-themed game, Miyamoto's impressive resume includes creating some of the world's most famous video game franchises, such as Mario, Donkey Kong and The Legend of Zelda.
MTV reports, "Miyamoto acknowledged that his team had considered making the game about other animals. 'The reason it ended up being a dog game is because about four years ago me and my family actually got our first dog,' he said. The family's tri-color Shetland Sheepdog named Pikku sealed it."
1. 任天堂は今年で121周年
Despite a few flops along the way, Nintendo has been one of the most successful players in the video game industry since the early 1980s.
But how much do you know about Nintendo? Did you know it’s over 100 years old? Do you know which American sports team it owns? Did you know LEGO once took legal action against it?
Take a look through the gallery for some fun facts you might not know about the Japanese gaming giant. Let us know in the comments which factoids scored a 1-Up with you.
1. Nintendo is 121 Years Old
Nintendo makes its gaming rivals look like cheeky young upstarts. It was founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi on Sept. 23, 1889 as a company that made Japanese playing cards. While Sony's history dates back to 1946, Microsoft's 1975 inception makes it the baby of the trio.Image courtesy of Olly Moss
2. Nintendo Used to Run a "Love Hotel"
One of many business ideas explored by early Nintendo was a "love hotel." These establishments are popular in Japan and offer couples rooms by the hour. Nintendo invested in a love hotel in the swinging '60s, although "the location and name of Nintendo’s hotel seems lost to the pages of time..." Lost -- or buried.Image courtesy of Dave Walker
3. Nintendo Once Made LEGO-like Bricks
Another of its many business schemes: Nintendo built a brick system called "N&B Blocks." It seems LEGO wasn't too pleased, but Nintendo wangled its way out of legal difficulty due to the fact that some of its blocks were rounded.The N&B Blocks were eventually nixed, but back in the 1990s a GameBoy game made reference to them. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins boasted an entire stage made out of N&B Blocks.
Image courtesy of BeforeMario
4. Only One Man Has the Right to Call His Sailboat "Donkey Kong"
Skip forward a few decades and Nintendo is facing more legal action. This time it's Universal Studios, which thinks Donkey Kong infringes on the King Kong trademark.Because Nintendo's first bit had just hit in the States, it was a crucial legal battle to win. Nintendo pulled out the big guns with attorney John Kirby, who successfully argued that the King Kong plot and characters were in the public domain.
To thank Kirby, Nintendo bought him a sailboat and granted him "exclusive worldwide rights to use the name for sailboats."
Image courtesy of Wikipedia
5. Nintendo Beats Microsoft to Redmond
Redmond, Washington is most famous as the headquarters of Microsoft, but Nintendo settled in the Seattle suburb before the software giant.With the profits from Donkey Kong Nintendo bought land in Redmond in 1982. Microsoft didn't relocate from Bellevue, Washington until 1986.
Image courtesy of Benjamin Benschneider
6. Nintendo Invented the Cross-Shaped D-Pad
The cross-shaped D-pad was invented by GameBoy creator and long-time Nintendo employee Gunpei Yokoi. It was initially designed for the handheld version of Donkey Kong, but Nintendo soon realized it could be used with console controllers, too. The D-pad featured on the NES "+Control Pad", and the rest is history.Image courtesy of TenThirtyNine
7. Nintendo of America Censored Everything in the Eighties
In the '80s and through to the early Nineties, Nintendo of America had some seriously strict game guidelines laid out in an official policy. While much of the policy worked to block truly offensive content, the level of censorship was taken to the extreme.
Examples of over-zealous changes made to games include a classic nude statue being clothed, a red cross being removed from a hospital frontage, bars being changed to cafes and, in one bizarre example, a criminal gang smuggling a shipment of bananas, rather than drugs.
Image courtesy of jjmccullough
8. Nintendo Owns the Seattle Mariners
Back in 1992 Nintendo became the majority owner of major league baseball team the Seattle Mariners. After the purchase, the team's mascot remained the Mariner Moose,, although a Mario mascot did make an appearance when the company was promoting Mario Super Sluggers.
9. Nintendo Developed a Phone in the Early 2000s
As well as patenting an "electronic apparatus having game and telephone functions," Nintendo actively developed a mobile phone. Last year PocketGamer revealed the surprising news.
"A development source, who preferred to remain anonymous, has revealed that there was a skunkworks R&D project run by Nokia and Nintendo in the early 2000s - about the same time Nokia was working on its original N-Gage phone."
"The R&D efforts, which were located at Nintendo's Japanese HQ, were successful enough that the concept of a Nintendo phone was taken to the company's board of directors for approval. It was rejected."
10. Nintendogs Was Inspired By a Shetland Sheepdog Called Pikku
Nintendogs could have just as easily been Nintencats were it not for a Shetland sheepdog called Pikku. This is because Pikku belonged to Shigeru Miyamoto, Nintendo's famous game designer.
As well as the dog-themed game, Miyamoto's impressive resume includes creating some of the world's most famous video game franchises, such as Mario, Donkey Kong and The Legend of Zelda.
MTV reports, "Miyamoto acknowledged that his team had considered making the game about other animals. 'The reason it ended up being a dog game is because about four years ago me and my family actually got our first dog,' he said. The family's tri-color Shetland Sheepdog named Pikku sealed it."
投稿 (Atom)