

ロシアのソウルキャリバー5のパブリッシャーである1C Companyはゲームフェスティバルに向けてアイヴィーのコスプレをしています。ソウルキャリバー5ではアイヴィーは32歳の設定ですが、それでも魅力的な格好です。

Russia's Soulcalibur V publisher 1C gears up for the Igromir game festival by dressing up a model as Soulcalibur V's more modest and mature middle-age Ivy. How'd they do?
It's funny how even a modest older version of Ivy is more than enough to make a grown man blush. While the model is nowhere near Cervantes' daughter's 47 or so years and the hair is completely off, I think they've captured her essence well enough that Russian folk passing through the show won't mistake her for Mario.


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